I spend a lot of time on Youtube. There are two main types of videos I enjoy watching – bookish videos and videos about lifestyle/self-help. Youtube is one of my main sources of inspiration when it comes to vegan cooking (the second biggest one is probably just googling random recipes based on some ingredient I need to use up), and I’d like to share with you some of my favorite Youtube channels that are definitely worth checking out, even if you’re not a vegetarian or vegan.
Madeleine Olivia

Madeleine is one of my favorite Youtubers in general for several reasons. Basically all of her videos are fun and interesting to me, be it a recipe video, a renovation vlog, a video about minimalism and decluttering… Madeleine lives with her boyfriend Alex in Cornwall and their dynamics (and Alex’s editing style) adds a really fun element to her videos. Several of her recipes became one of my absolute favorites and I make them on a weekly basis, and I suspect this number might only increase after I actually start using her recipe e-book called Versatile Vegan that I bought maybe a year ago. :- )
Cheap Lazy Vegan

Jumping from Britain across the ocean, we have Rose, a Korean-Canadian Youtuber, who owns a vegan café in Calgary (which I’d love to visit one day) and makes highly entertaining videos about all things vegan. Her mukbang (eating show) series called Munching Mondays is my go-to choice for something fun to watch during lunch – if you think watching someone eat is boring, think again and check out Rose’s videos! :- ) In her mukbang and also discussion videos, Rose talks about all kinds of vegan topics or shares hilarious stories from her life. She makes a lot of Korean dishes but you can find cuisines from all over the world in her “what I eat in a day” or recipe videos.
Jess Beautician

Despite the name of her channel, Jess’s videos are mostly about vegan cooking and more people need to know about them! She’s great at taking beautiful shots of amazingly looking food, and her recipes inspire me to be a bit more adventurous in the kitchen. I especially love her series on work lunches, in which she shares a meal plan for 5 meals (plus snacks), using the same ingredients for some of them, which means that shopping the groceries for them can be easier, less affordable, and it helps to prevent waste. And I’m pretty sure that listening to her lovely voiceover will make everyone’s day happier!
Pick Up Limes

Obviously, I can’t write a post about my favorite vegan Youtubers and not include Sadia from Pick Up Limes. Her channel has over 3 million subscribers as of today, and it’s so well deserved. Sadia is a dietician and combines fun and easy-to-follow cooking instructions with nutritional advice. All of her videos are absolutely stunning and I love how she inspires so many people to try more plant-based recipes in a very kind and positive way.
Caitlin Shoemaker

The last vegan Youtuber I want to mention today is Caitlin Shoemaker (who also has a blog and Instagram called From My Bowl). Caitlin’s videos have a cozy, relaxed vibe but it’s also clear that she puts a lot of work and precision into everything she does. Recently, she announced that her first cookbook is coming out in December, which is supposed to include “simple ingredients, big flavor”, and I’m definitely excited for that!
I hope you’ll check some of these amazing people out and will get inspired to try out some delicious plant-based recipes! If you have some favorite vegan YouTubers, please share them in the comments! I might make part II in the future, so please let me know if you’d be interested in that or if there’s anything else you’re curious about when it comes to plant-based eating! :- )
Oooo these are great recommendations! My partner and i are going veggie with the intent to get to vegan, so i will definitely check these out xx
Oh yay, that’s awesome, good luck and I hope you’ll have fun with it, too! :- )
Musím přiznat, že tyto Youtuberky neznám, ale mám vcelku ráda českou Dewi. Nejsem sice vegan, ale ten životní styl se mi vlastně líbí, pokud teda není vegan chorobně hádavej o tom, že vegansky by měli jíst všichni, protože každému ten styl sztravování musí přijít úplně super. Právě Dewi mám ráda, protože točí i dost o ekologii a u toho tématu cítím, že se mě začíná dotýkat čím dál víc :-).
Jo Dewi je fajn, i když ji moc aktivně nesleduju :- ) To je fajn, že se ti ten životní styl líbí. Taky nesouhlasím s tím cpát úplně všem, že musí jíst 100% vegansky – kdyby většina lidí konzumaci živočišných produktů alespoň trochu omezila, tak už to by mělo dost pozitivní dopad.
great post, lovely suggestions, i’ll definitely be checking some of these out.
Thank you and yay! :- )
Thanks for these suggestions! I’m not Vegan but I do watch a few Vegan YTer’s and like to watch people from different walks of life. You always learn something new and take something from their content!
Definitely! I’m not 100% vegan anymore but I still cook mostly plant-based meals and want to promote it :- )